The short version:
It all began in Phoenix, AZ, back in the 70's. I started playing piano to get introduced to the fundamentals music and quickly began playing the piano accordion as well because it was my goal to one day be an accordion player. A couple of years later I transitioned to the dugetara (chromatic) accordion and never looked back. Along the way I started playing a chromatic keyboard (a keyboard designed/configured like a chromatic accordion) as well.
I've always said that there are 4 thing that have got me to where I am today:
1)Thankfully God blessed me with some musical talent
2) My parents for the many many years of encouragement, pushing me and putting in the time, money and effort for me to learn to play the accordion.
3) Cika Krle (Stanojlo Krstic) as my accordion professor. I specifically used the word professor because he truly was a professor of music, not just a teacher.
4) My love of music and entertaining people.